Bulk Subscription FAQ

Can I buy subscriptions for my team in bulk?

Yes. Bulk subscriptions are available starting at 7 players. They must be purchased at the beginning of your subscription, at the same time as your camera lease, via this link: https://traceup.com/pricing.

How do I activate bulk subscriptions?

After purchasing bulk PlayerFocus Pro subscriptions, you’ll receive unique codes via email for each subscription. Distribute these codes to individual players or users. They can then log into their accounts and activate their subscriptions by entering the promo code. This process ties each subscription to a specific account for easier management. Here are detailed instructions for using these codes.

What happens to my bulk subscriptions at renewal time next year?

We’ll send you renewal options 60 days before your renewal date (the date you originally purchased your bulk subscriptions). These options will include the choice to repurchase PlayerFocus subscriptions in bulk for the following year.

Can I purchase more bulk subscriptions later?

No, anyone who does not participate in the bulk purchase and later wants access will be charged our regular PlayerFocus prices. The bulk discount is only available during the initial purchase. Additional individual team members cannot claim the discounted rate after the bulk purchase is complete.

Can I change the number of bulk subscriptions at renewal?

Yes. At the time of renewal, you can choose the number of bulk subscriptions you want to purchase. You'll get new codes to assign to your team members after you purchase the renewal.

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