Multicam FAQ

How do I access Multicam?

To access Multicam, you'll need the Trace Teams iOS app.

Who can record Multicam?

Anyone associated with your team can record MultiCam: parents, players, coaches and managers.

Why can't I film a test recording in the app?

In your iPhone settings, make sure you've given Trace Teams permission to access your camera.

Where should I set up my phone camera?

You can set it up anywhere! Choose a location close to the action you want to focus on.

Can I move my phone during the game??

Yes. First, stop the recording, then start a new one in the new location.

Does my phone video record with sound?

No. We only use the sound from your TraceCam in MultiCam videos.

Should I use a tripod?

It’s up to you: with a tripod, you can set and forget your camera and enjoy the game. Prefer to grab footage on the fly? That works too.

What kind of phone can I use to shoot video?

At this time, MultiCam video requires an iPhone and the Trace Teams iPhone app. The app is available for iPhones and iPads with cellular service.

Where do I download Trace Teams?

You can find it in the Apple app store.

Can I shoot both vertical and horizontal video?

For best results, shoot horizontal video only.

How do I watch MultiCam?

When available, Multicam footage is available in your game results, under the projector icon. If your team is using PlayerFocus, you'll need a paid subscription to view MultiCam.

Why aren't Multicam videos showing up in my results?

Your Multicam videos probably got stuck uploading or they were late to be added to the game processing. Trace automatically uploads your Multicam videos for you, but sometimes poor cell connection stops the uploading process. To make sure your recordings all get uploaded go to your "My recordings" part of the app and check your uploads before you plug in your TraceCam in to upload. If you have any stalled uploads you can press on the video and then select "Force re-upload" to restart your upload.

Why did my phone stop recording?

If your battery warning goes off (usually displayed at 20% or 10% battery remaining), your Multicam recording will stop. It will also stop if you have less than 1G of storage remaining om your device.

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