Tracing scrimmages and practice

Trace’s AI-powered processing relies on hundreds of signals present in a typical game, from game structure, to duration, to formations. When Tracing a practice, you may be departing from these standard signals. Your results will vary based on how you structure your practice. We will provide the best results we can based on the video of your practice.

Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Name the opposing team Practice Game, Training Session, or C License, etc. to let our game processing team know this a practice/training recording.

  • Keep your camera in one location. If you decide to move mid-practice, end your recording, move the camera, and start a new game.

  • If a practice session is more than 2 hours, break it up into two games.

  • If you’re taking a break for more than 15 minutes outside of halftime, stop recording, and start a new game.

Want personalized results?

To process your results correctly you have to simulate real-game conditions as closely as possible:

  • Players must wear jersey numbers.

  • Play on a soccer field with two goals.

  • Create a new Trace game as you normally would.

  • Play two equal-length halves.

  • Switch sides between halves as you normally would.

  • Do not substitute players from one team to another.

Smaller field sizes

Make sure your smaller fields are clearly marked with cones for all 4 corners and the center line.

❌ Tracing will not process for drills / technical work

You cannot Trace when there are multiple balls on the field. You may use drills as an opportunity to test your equipment and practice setup, but we will not be able to provide any results.

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